Powders & Grains 2021

The PDF of the papers and the video recordings of the talks are Open Access.

PDF - VIDEO - Title and authors
----- VIDEO Tribo-charging effects on granular growth and its relevance for planet formation, Nicolás Mujica
----- VIDEO Predicting avalanches in granular materials from ‘vibrational’ modes, Lisa Manning
PDF VIDEO Consititutive modeling of time-dependent flows in frictional suspensions, Michael Cates
PDF VIDEO A brief review of (multi-scale) modelling approaches to segregation, Anthony Thornton
----- VIDEO Multiscale modeling of granular media for geomechanics and beyond, Jidong Zhao
----- VIDEO Unified theory for granular and gas-solid suspensions, Meheboob Alam
----- VIDEO The role of granular materials in the energy challenge, Carlos Santamarina
PDF VIDEO Flows of cohesive granular media, Sandip Mandal, Adrien Gans, Maxime Nicolas, Olivier Pouliquen
PDF VIDEO Resuspension processes in a wide range of particle sizes, Ana María Vidales, Jesica Benito, Rodolfo Uñac, Luc Oger, Irene Ippolito
----- VIDEO Tackling fundamental questions in particle flows, courtesy of industry, Christine Hrenya

CODE - PDF - VIDEO - Title and authors
210008 PDF VIDEO Granular-slurry rheology and asphalt compaction, Teng Man, Kimberly Hill
210007 PDF VIDEO Dynamics of undeforming regions in the lead up to failure: jumping scales from lab to field, Antoinette Tordesillas, Shuo Zhou, Lachlan Campbell, Pat Bellett
210006 PDF VIDEO Analysis of particle dynamics in a pin mill by Discrete Element Method, Wei Pin Goh, Mojtaba Ghadiri
210005 PDF VIDEO An average model for disordered sphere packings, Calixtro Yanqui
210004 PDF VIDEO Analysis of hold-up and grinding pressure in a spiral jet mill using CFD-DEM, Lewis Scott, Antonia Borissova, Alan Burns, Mojtaba Ghadiri
210002 PDF VIDEO How does static granular matter re-arrange for different isotropic strain rate?, Stefan Luding
210001 PDF VIDEO Effect of grain shape on the dynamics of granular materials in 2D rotating drum, Nicolas Preud'homme, Eric Opsomer, Nicolas Vandewalle, Geoffroy Lumay
202084 PDF VIDEO A sphere packing model for shear bands in dense soils, Calixtro Yanqui
202083 PDF VIDEO Neck growth kinetics during polymer sintering for powder-based processes, Juan E Alvarez, Henk Snijder, Tom Vaneker, Hongyang Cheng, Stefan Luding, Thomas Weinhart
202082 PDF VIDEO Experimental investigation of segregation of granular mixtures during heap formation, Sandip H. Gharat
202081 PDF VIDEO Friction-induced heat generation between two particles, Francisco Kisuka, Chuan-Yu Wu, Colin Hare
202080 PDF VIDEO DEM modelling of swelling of grains, Domenica Braile, Colin Hare, Chuan-Yu Wu
202057 PDF VIDEO Granular impacts: how far the Boussinesq model can go?, Francisco Martinez, Claudia Gonzalez
202054 PDF VIDEO Designing non-segregating granular mixtures, Yifei Duan, Paul B. Umbanhowar, Richard M. Lueptow
202053 PDF VIDEO Revisiting Hardin’s parameters for the quantification of particle breakage – A statistical entropy approach, James Leak, Daniel Barreto, Vasiliki Dimitriadi, Emoke Imre
202052 PDF VIDEO Optimal design of cyclones in series for the separation of multi- component mixtures of Portland cement, Juan C. Grave, Cecilia I. Paulo, Horacio A. Petit, E. Fabián Irassar
202051 PDF VIDEO Particle velocity profile in an inclined rotating drum, P. Widhate, H. P. Zhu, Q. H. Zeng, K. J. Dong
202049 PDF VIDEO Energy propagation in 1D granular soft-stiff chain, K. Taghizadeh, H. Steeb, S. Luding
202048 PDF VIDEO Exploring shear-induced segregation in controlled-velocity granular flows, Lu Jing, Julio M. Ottino, Richard M. Lueptow, Paul B. Umbanhowar
202047 PDF VIDEO Influence of the coefficient of restitution on the classification of granite sand using an elutriator, Eugenia Borsa, H. Andrés Petit, Juliana Piña, Cecilia I. Paulo, E. Fabian Irassar
202046 PDF VIDEO Liquid migration in flowing granular materials, Thijmen Hagen, Stefan Luding, Devaraj van der Meer, Vanessa Magnanimo, Ahmed Jarray
202045 PDF VIDEO Time scales and rheology of visco-cohesive granular flows, Farhang Radjai
202044 PDF VIDEO Quasistatic response of loose cohesive granular materials, Walid Lammali, Jean-Noël Roux, Anh-Minh Tang
202043 PDF VIDEO Collapse of conical granular columns M. A. Ordaz, M. Sánchez-Rosas, J. R. Hernández-Juárez, A. Medina, D. A. Serrano
202041 PDF VIDEO Anisotropic nature of the capillary stress tensor, Mojtaba Farahnak, Richard Wan, Mehdi Pouragha
202040 PDF VIDEO A procedure to join the force and volume ensemble statistical descriptions of granular media, Juan Sebastián Rey, Jose Daniel Muñoz, William Fernando Oquendo
202039 PDF VIDEO Acoustic signals of rotating drums generated based on DEM simulations, Yaoyu Li, Jie Bao, Runyu Yang
202038 PDF VIDEO Investigating the effect of porosity on the soil water retention curve using the multiphase Lattice Boltzmann Method, Reihaneh Hosseini, Krishna Kumar, Jean-Yves Delenne
202037 PDF VIDEO Geometrical network of granular materials under isochoric cyclic shearing, Ming Yang, Mahdi Taiebat, Patrick Mutabaruka, Farhang Radjai
202035 PDF VIDEO DEM based investigation of powder packing in 3D printing of pharmaceutical tablets, Koyel Sen, Tanu Mehta, Anson W. K. Ma, Bodhisattwa Chaudhuri
202034 PDF VIDEO Discharge of soft and hard grains and their mixtures from 2D silos, Jing Wang, Kirsten Harth, Ralf Stannarius, Bo Fan Tamas Börzsönyi
202033 PDF VIDEO The effect of boundary roughness on dense granular flows, Farnaz Fazelpour, Karen E. Daniels
202032 PDF VIDEO Effects of interparticle friction on the response of 3D cyclically compressed granular material, Zackery A. Benson, Anton Peshkov, Derek C. Richardson, Wolfgang Losert
202031 PDF VIDEO CFD modelling of the effect of capillary pressure on retention behaviour of water menisci at inter-particle contacts, Alejandro López, Agostino Walter Bruno, Sadegh Nadimi
202030 PDF VIDEO Modelling the monotonic and cyclic behaviour of sands using Artificial Neural Networks, Weixian Chen, Andres Alfonso Peña Olarte, Roberto Cudmani
202029 PDF VIDEO Erosion of a cohesive granular material by an impinging turbulent jet, Mingze Gong, Sivar Azadi, Adrien Gans, Philippe Gondret, Alban Sauret
202028 PDF VIDEO Imaging the root–rhizosphere interface using micro computed tomography: quantifying void ratio and root volume ratio profiles, Tomás Lascurain, Vasileios Angelidakis, Saimir Luli, Sadegh Nadimi
202027 PDF VIDEO A one parameter damageable contact law for DEM, with application to frictional-cohesive granular materials, Cyrille Couture, Vincent Richefeu, Jacques Desrues, Pierre Bésuelle
202026 PDF VIDEO DEM examination of SPT correction factors, Ningning Zhang, Marcos Arroyo, Matteo Ciantia, Antonio Gens
202025 PDF VIDEO Probing regolith-covered surfaces in low gravity, Jonathan E. Kollmer, Jack Featherstone, Robert Bullard, Tristan Emm, Anna Jackson, Riley Reid, Sean Shefferman, Adrienne Dove, Joshua Colwell, Karen E. Daniels
202024 PDF VIDEO Modelling realistic ballast shape to study the lateral pull behaviour using GPU computing, François Nader, Patrick Pizette, Nicolin Govender, Daniel N. Wilke, Jean-François Ferellec
202023 PDF VIDEO Multiplicity of states in Taylor-Couette flow of a dense granular gas, Nandu Gopan, Meheboob Alam
202022 PDF VIDEO Packing dynamics of powders at high temperature, Aurélien Neveu, Filip Francqui, Geoffroy Lumay
202021 PDF VIDEO From discrete element simulation data to process insights, Daniel N. Wilke, Paul W. Cleary, Nicolin Govender
202020 PDF VIDEO A study on the effect of grain morphology on shear strength in granular materials Nicolin Govender Patrick Pizette
202019 PDF VIDEO Mechanically driven active and passive grains as models for egress dynamics, Mahdieh Mohammadi, Kirsten Harth, Dmitry Puzyrev, Torsten Trittel, Tina Hanselka, Ralf Stannarius
202018 PDF VIDEO Magnetically heated granular gas in a low-gravity environment Peidong Yu Matthias Schröter Masato Adachi Matthias Sperl
202017 PDF VIDEO Toward a large-scale particle-based parallel simulator of Aeolian sand transport, including a model for mobile sand availability, Sandesh Kamath, Eric Parteli
202016 PDF VIDEO Discharge of a 2D magnetic silo, Louison Thorens, Maud Viallet, Knut Jørgen Måløy, Mickaël Bourgoin, Stéphane Santucci
202015 PDF VIDEO Taming the Janssen effect, Louison Thorens, Knut Jørgen Måløy, Mickaël Bourgoin, Stéphane Santucci
202014 PDF VIDEO Strength and energy consumption of inherently anisotropic rocks at failure, David Cantor, Carlos Ovalle, Emilien Azéma
202013 PDF VIDEO Solute transport by suspended buoyant particles, Iván Colecchio, Natalia Arze, Georgina Flores, Ana Quijandria, Alejandro Boschan
202012 PDF VIDEO Embedded inertial sensor for tracking projectile impact on granular media, Stefan Koelster, Jinchen Zhao, Chen Lyu, Simeon Voelkel, Kai Huang
202011 PDF VIDEO A landslide granular phase transition, Rory T. Cerbus, Thierry Faug, Hamid Kellay
202010 PDF VIDEO Analytical and DEM studies of thermal stress in granular materials, Tokio Morimoto, Catherine O'Sullivan, David M. G. Taborda
202008 PDF VIDEO Structure and compressive behavior of Lightweight Clay Aggregate particle: experiments and numerical simulations, Shuangshuang Xia, Zhifu Shen, Hongmei Gao, Zhihua Wang
202003 PDF VIDEO Rheology of soft granular materials: uniaxial compression, Saeid Nezamabadi, Farhang Radjai, Serge Mora, Jean-Yves Delenne, Mojtaba Ghadiri
202002 PDF VIDEO Acoustic radiation patterns of the silo music phenomenon, J. R. Hernández-Juárez, D. A. Serrano, A. López-Villa, A. Medina
202001 PDF VIDEO Aerodynamic and impact thresholds for cohesive mixture of sand and non-volatile liquid, Jean-Baptiste Besnard, Alexandre Valance, Pascal Dupont, Ahmed Ould El Moctar
202000 PDF VIDEO Coupled DEM-FDM simulation of cone penetration tests in coarse grained soils, Mussie Kidane, Andrés Alfonso Peña Olarte, Roberto Cudmani
201999 PDF VIDEO Modulated segregation of a bidisperse granular mixture due to recirculation currents, Kwami Adem Mayeden, Evelyne Kolb, Stéphanie Deboeuf, Pierre Jop
201998 PDF VIDEO Experiments on rebounding slow impacts under asteroid condition, Kolja Joeris, Laurent Schönau, Lars Schmidt, Matthias Keulen, Vrinda Desai, Philip Born, Jonathan E. Kollmer
201996 PDF VIDEO Continuously heated granular gas of elongated particles, Tivadar Pongó, Dmitry Puzyrev, Kirsten Harth, Ralf Stannarius, Raúl Cruz Hidalgo
201995 PDF VIDEO Measuring jumps during granular chute-flows using X-ray radiography, Ségolène Mejean, François Guillard, Thierry Faug, Itai Einav
201994 PDF VIDEO Music of grain crushing with the Discrete Element Method, Li Zeng, Andres Alfonso Peña Olarte, Roberto Cudmani
201993 PDF VIDEO Failure in granular materials based on acoustic tensor: a numerical analysis, Giuseppina Recchia, Hongyang Cheng, Vanessa Magnanimo, Luigi La Ragione
201991 PDF VIDEO Strain dependent vorticity in sheared granular media, Dong Wang, Joshua A. Dijksman, Jonathan Barés, Hu Zheng
201990 PDF VIDEO Acoustic localisation in a two-dimensional granular medium, Victor Levy Dit Vehel, Ange Haddjeri, Osvanny Ramos
201989 PDF VIDEO On water waves generated by gravity driven granular collapse, Wladimir Sarlin, Cyprien Morize, Alban Sauret, Philippe Gondret
201988 PDF VIDEO Cohesion of bird nests, Ignacio Andrade-Silva, Théo Godefroy, Olivier Pouliquen, Joel Marthelot
201987 PDF VIDEO Slow and intermittent stress relaxation of biomass granular media, Florent Thevenon, Bharath Devulapalli, Muriel Marchand, Thierry Melkior, Alain de Ryck
201986 PDF VIDEO Dilation as a precursor in a continuous granular fault, Victor Levy dit Vehel, Takahiro Hatano, Loïc Vanel, Knut Jørgen Måløy, Osvanny Ramos
201985 PDF VIDEO Direct numerical simulation of wave propagation in saturated random granular packings using coupled LBM-DEM, Hongyang Cheng, Stefan Luding, Jens Harting, Vanessa Magnanimo
201984 PDF VIDEO How universal is the vibration-velocity controlled granular convection?, Mika Umehara, Ko Okumura
201983 PDF VIDEO The effect of cohesion on the discharge of a granular material through the orifice of a silo, Adrien Gans, Pascale Aussillous, Blanche Dalloz, Maxime Nicolas
201982 PDF VIDEO Evaluation of flowability for granulated powder using a test of powder discharge by pressurized air, Koichiro Ogata, Daigo Ariga
201981 PDF VIDEO Dynamical arrest of topological defects in 2D hyperuniform disk packings, Sungyeon Hong, Michael A. Klatt, Gerd Schroeder-Turk, Nicolas François, Mohammad Saadatfar
201980 PDF VIDEO Improved evaluation of granular media flows using an X-ray scanning compatible cone-plate setup, Zohreh Farmani, Jing Wang, Ralf Stannarius, Martina Bieberle, Frank Barthel, Uwe Hampel, Joshua A. Dijksman
201979 PDF VIDEO Structural characteristics of ordered clusters in packs of ellipses, Xiaoyu Jiang, Takashi Matsushima, Raphael Blumenfeld
201978 PDF VIDEO Hydraulic transport regimes of grains in a millifluidic confinement, Guillaume Dumazer, Etienne Gagnepain
201977 PDF VIDEO Elastic wave velocity and attenuation in granular material, Fan Jia, Hongyang Cheng, Sihong Liu, Vanessa Magnanimo
201976 PDF VIDEO Evolution of rattling particles in deviatoric shear deformation of granular material, Lisha Luo, Zhifu Shen, Xudong Wang, Hongmei Gao
201975 PDF VIDEO Highly strained mixtures of bidimensional soft and rigid grains: an experimental approach from the local scale, Jonathan Barés, Manuel Cárdenas-Barrantes, David Cantor, Emilien Azéma, Mathieu Renouf
201974 PDF VIDEO Shear bands in dense fault gouge, Nathalie Casas, Guilhem Mollon, Ali Daouadji
201973 PDF VIDEO Shear-driven density segregation: an experimental study, Monica Tirapelle, Andrea C. Santomaso, Patrick Richard, Riccardo Artoni
201972 PDF VIDEO Shearing of granular materials in a confined split-bottom Couette cell, Mahnoush Madani, Maniya Maleki, M. Reza Shaebani
201971 PDF VIDEO Numerical investigation of snowstorm filling, Ferenc Safranyik, Attila Varga
201970 PDF VIDEO Shape or friction? Which of these characteristics drives the shear strength in granular systems?, Theechalit Binaree, Emilien Azéma, Nicolas Estrada, Mathieu Renouf, Itthichai Preechawuttipong
201969 PDF VIDEO Detecting vorticity in cohesive deformable granular material, Olivier Bouillanne, Guilhem Mollon, Aurélien Saulot, Sylvie Descartes, Nathalie Serres, Karim Demmou, Guillaume Chassaing
201968 PDF VIDEO Micromechanics of slow granular flows, Ravi Gautam, Prabhu R. Nott
201967 PDF VIDEO Statistical properties of cell stresses in 2D granular solids, Takashi Matsushima, Raphael Blumenfeld
201966 PDF VIDEO Reproducing laboratory earthquakes with a discrete-continuum model, Guilhem Mollon, Jérôme Aubry, Alexandre Schubnel
201965 PDF VIDEO Non-equilibrium response and slow equilibration in hard disk systems, Daigo Mugita, Masaharu Isobe
201964 PDF VIDEO An experimental study on shear bands in sand using the orthogonal cutting setup, Abhijit Hegde, Tejas Murthy
201963 PDF VIDEO Exploring chemo-mechanics of granular material using DEM, P. Viswanath, Arghya Das
201961 PDF VIDEO Implementation of numerically exact Coulomb friction for discrete element simulations in three dimensions, Shouta Sakamaki, Dominik Krengel, Jan Mueller, Jian Chen, Hans-Georg Matuttis
201960 PDF VIDEO DEM modeling of segregation and stratification in pouring heaps of bidispersed mixtures of rounded particles, Tristan Vuilloz, David Cantor, Carlos Ovalle
201959 PDF VIDEO Grain size effect on the compression and relaxation of a granular column: solid particles vs dust agglomerates, Felipe Pacheco-Vázquez, Tomomi Omura, Hiroaki Katsuragi
201958 PDF VIDEO Energy dissipation due to breakage during confined compaction of granular materials, Brett Kuwik, Ryan C. Hurley
201957 PDF VIDEO Optimal packing in 2D and 3D granular systems: density, connectivity, and force distributions, William-Fernando Oquendo, Nicolas Estrada
201955 PDF VIDEO Particles bed morphology under an oscillating stiff and flexible plates, Anna Prati, Michele Larcher, James T. Jenkins, Luigi La Ragione
201954 PDF VIDEO Bulk modulus of soft particle assemblies under compression, David Cantor, Manuel Cárdernas-Barrantes, Itthichai Preechawuttipong, Mathieu Renouf, Emilien Azéma
201953 PDF VIDEO Granular segregation on the rubble-pile asteroid Itokawa, Sohanjit Ghosh, Ishan Sharma, Deepak Dhingra
201952 PDF VIDEO Discrete element simulations of load transfer mechanisms for a reinforced granular embankment submitted to loading cycles, Claire Silvani, Mo'men Ramadan, Pascal Villard, Laurent Briançon
201951 PDF VIDEO Cluster dynamics in dense granular gases of rod-like particles, Dmitry Puzyrev, Raúl Cruz Hidalgo, David Fischer, Kirsten Harth, Torsten Trittel, Ralf Stannarius
201950 PDF VIDEO Oedometric compression of a granular material: computation of energies involved during breakage with a discrete element modelling, François Nader, Claire Silvani, Irini Djeran-Maigre
201949 PDF VIDEO Grain-scale DEM study of open-ended pipe pile penetration in granular soils, Michail Komodromos, Gaël Combe, Gioacchino Viggiani
201948 PDF VIDEO Independence of shear strength with particle size dispersity still valid in polyhedral particle assemblies, Emilien Azéma, David Cantor, Itthichai Preechawuttipong
201947 PDF VIDEO Packing density of bi-disperse mixtures under one-dimensional compression, Giulia Guida, Francesca Casini
201946 PDF VIDEO Wet rolling stones: growth of a granular aggregate under flow, Pierre Jop, Guillaume Saingier, Alban Sauret
201945 PDF VIDEO Deformations of a 2D Elastica under a random distribution of normal loads, Miguel Trejo, Arnaud Lazarus, Damien Vandembroucq, Evelyne Kolb
201944 PDF VIDEO Discharge of a granular silo under mechanical vibrations, Arthur Pascot, Ghita Marouazi, Sébastien Kiesgen De Richter
201943 PDF VIDEO Analytical nonlocal model for shear localization in wall-bounded dense granular flow, Keng-Lin Lee, Riccardo Artoni, Fu-Ling Yang, Patrick Richard
201942 PDF VIDEO Robust experimental study of avalanche precursory events based on reproducible cycles of grain packing destabilizations, Luc Oger, Renaud Delannay, Yves Le Gonidec
201941 PDF VIDEO Contact evolution in granular materials with inherently anisotropic fabric, Gustavo Pinzón, Edward Andò, Alessandro Tengattini, Gioacchino Viggiani, Jacques Desrues
201940 PDF VIDEO Vibration induced segregation of single large particles, Dizhe Zhang David Pinson, Zongyan Zhou
201939 PDF VIDEO Axisymmetric landslides on top-shaped asteroids, Deepayan Banik, Kumar Gaurav, Ishan Sharma
201938 PDF VIDEO Coordination numbers in natural beach sand, Vanshan Wright, Amy Ferrick, Michael Manga Nicholas Sitar
201937 PDF VIDEO X-ray tomographies of a water-sensitive granular material (couscous) exposed to high relative humidity: an experimental study, Ilija Vego, Alessandro Tengattini, Edward Andò, Nicolas Lenoir, Gioacchino Viggiani
201936 PDF VIDEO Sample preparation of dense granular materials. Influence of void ratio e and coordination number Z* on the mechanical behaviour at failure, Shah Nawaz, Gaël Combe
201933 PDF VIDEO From Darcy to Gaussian to fully mobilised grain flow in a confined channel, Miles Morgan, Bjørnar Sandnes
201932 PDF VIDEO Sidewall friction in confined surface flows of granular materials, Patrick Richard, Alexandre Valance, Renaud Delannay
201931 PDF VIDEO Investigation of laser-powder interaction in laser powder bed fusion process in additive manufacturing, Erlei Li, Lin Wang, Ruiping Zou, Aibing Yu, Zongyan Zhou
201930 PDF VIDEO Particle dynamics in two-dimensional point-loaded granular media composed of circular or pentagonal grains, Ryan Kozlowski, Hu Zheng, Karen E. Daniels, Joshua E. S. Socolar
201929 PDF VIDEO Self-assembly of self-propelled magnetic grains, Marcos A. Madrid, Ramiro M. Irastorza, Ariel G. Meyra, C. Manuel Carlevaro
201928 PDF VIDEO LMGC90: a Contact Dynamics open source code for the simulation of granular asteroid with realistic regolith shapes. Application to the accretion process, Paul Sánchez, Mathieu Renouf, Emilien Azéma, Rémy Mozul
201927 PDF VIDEO Silo fischarge: influence of the particle shape on the velocity profiles, Florencia Escudero, Marcela Camila Villagrán Olivares, Rodolfo Uñac, Ana María Vidales, Jesica Benito
201926 PDF VIDEO Seismic waves in the asteroid environment, Paul Sánchez, Daniel J. Scheeres
201925 PDF VIDEO High compressibility caused by particle breakage: a DEM investigation, Marta Stasiak, Vincent Richefeu, Gaël Combe, Jad Zghondi, Gilles Armand
201924 PDF VIDEO Modeling particle-fluid interaction in a coupled CFD-DEM framework Ilberto Fonceca, Diego Maza, Raúl Cruz Hidalgo
201923 PDF VIDEO Modelling of scour formation using SedFoam, continuum approach, Alaa Ghzayel, Anthony Beaudoin, Sebastien Jarny
201922 PDF VIDEO Dynamic view of critical state regime in granular materials: a mesoscale perspective, Na Deng, Antoine Wautier, Yannick Thiery, Zhen-Yu Yin, Pierre-Yves Hicher, François Nicot
201921 PDF VIDEO Forced segregation in binary granular mixtures, Salvatore Pillitteri, Geoffroy Lumay, Éric Opsomer, Nicolas Vandewalle
201920 PDF VIDEO Analytical solutions for dense, inclined, granular flow over a rigid, bumpy base, James Jenkins, Diego Berzi
201919 PDF VIDEO Effect of dissipation in rapid-gravitational granular flows, Yajuan Zhu, Renaud Delannay, Alexandre Valance
201918 PDF VIDEO Influence of the particle shape on the impact force of lahar on an obstacle, Rime Chehade, Bastien Chevalier, Fabian Dedecker, Pierre Breul
201916 PDF VIDEO Coupling non-local rheology and volume of fluid (VOF) method: a finite volume method (FVM) implementation, Dorian Faroux, Kimiaki Washino, Takuya Tsuji, Toshitsugu Tanaka
201915 PDF VIDEO Avoiding chaos in granular dampers, María Victoria Ferreyra, Julián M. Gómez-Paccapelo, Ramiro Suarez, Luis A. Pugnaloni
201914 PDF VIDEO Mesoscale inertial transition in granular materials, Adriane Clerc, Antoine Wautier, Stéphane Bonelli, François Nicot
201913 PDF VIDEO The performance of the μ(I)-rheology model on flat bottom silos discharge, Cesar Venier, Leonardo Binda, Damián Ramajo, Santiago Márquez Damián, Irene Ippolito, Norberto Nigro
201912 PDF VIDEO Stress and force measurement uncertainties in 3D granular materials, Ryan C. Hurley
201911 PDF VIDEO Computationally efficient approach to quantify 2D particle morphological descriptors, N. S. S. P. Kalyan, Ramesh Kannan Kandasami
201909 PDF VIDEO Quantitative measurement of hopper flow using MRI, Maral Mehdizad, Luke Fullard, Petrik Galvosas, Daniel Holland
201908 PDF VIDEO Dynamics of two particles on a vertically driven plate, Kai Yang, Alex Sabey, Jeffrey Olafsen
201907 PDF VIDEO DEM investigation of the effect of particle breakage on compact properties, Dazhao Gou, Xizhong An, Runyu Yang
201906 PDF VIDEO Impact of sample scaling on shear strength: coupled effects of grains size and shape, Sandra Linero-Molina, Emilien Azéma, Nicolas Estrada, Stephen Fityus, John Simmons, Arcesio Lizcano
201904 PDF VIDEO Correlating the force network evolution and dynamics in slider experiments, Chao Cheng, Aghil Abed Zadeh, Lou Kondic
201903 PDF VIDEO DEM modelling of 3D polyhedra with applications to gabion rockfall barriers, Jeffrey Knowles, Yifei Ma, T. Matthew Evans
201902 PDF VIDEO Influence of granular temperature and grain rotation on the wall friction coefficient in confined shear granular flows, Cheng-Chuan Lin, Riccardo Artoni, Fu-Ling Yang, Patrick Richard
201901 PDF VIDEO Swelling of a granular hydrogel medium under confinement: individual and collective dynamic, Lucía Cristófaro, Sebastián Falcioni, Leonardo Binda, Yanina Lucrecia Roht, Germán Drazer, Irene Ippolito
201900 PDF VIDEO Stability of the homogeneous steady state for a model of a confined quasi-two-dimensional granular fluid, Vicente Garzó, Ricardo Brito, Rodrigo Soto
201899 PDF VIDEO Non-monotonic Mpemba effect in binary molecular suspensions, Rubén Gómez González, Vicente Garzó
201898 PDF VIDEO Effect of particle shape on bubble dynamics in bubbling fluidized bed, Siddhartha Shrestha, Zongyan Zhou
201897 PDF VIDEO Planar column collapse of elongated grains, Andrea Jara, Miguel Cabrera
201896 PDF VIDEO Relative entropy of freely cooling granular gases. A molecular dynamics study, Alberto Megías, Andrés Santos
201895 PDF VIDEO Fracture, aggregation and segregation in dry, granular flows, James T. Jenkins, Michele Larcher
201894 PDF VIDEO Non-monotonic dependence of avalanche durations on particle velocities in the discharge of a silo, Diego Gella, Diego Maza, Iker Zuriguel
201893 PDF VIDEO Multi-scale cohesion force measurements for cemented granular materials, Abbas Farhat, Li-Hua Luu, Pierre Philippe, Pablo Cuéllar
201892 PDF VIDEO Hydrophobic and raw glass beads flow behavior under different processing conditions, Shirin Enferad, Salvatore Pillitteri, Geoffroy Lumay, Claire Gaiani, Sebastien Kiesgen De Richter, Michaël Marck, Syrym Umbetov, Nicolas Vandewalle, Mathieu Jenny
201891 PDF VIDEO Dilatancy of frictional granular materials under oscillatory shear with constant pressure, Daisuke Ishima, Hisao Hayakawa
201890 PDF VIDEO Effect of particle shape on particle breakage inside rotating cylinders, Luisa Fernanda Orozco, Jean-Yves Delenne, Philippe Sornay, Farhang Radjai
201524 PDF VIDEO Transients in pressure-imposed shearing of dense granular suspensions, Shivakumar Athani, Yoel Forterre, Bloen Metzger, Romain Mari
201523 PDF VIDEO Patterns formed by chains of magnetic beads, Danilo S. Borges, Hans J. Herrmann, Humberto A. Carmona, José Soares Andrade Jr., Ascânio D. Araújo
201522 PDF VIDEO Capturing the failure of a cohesive granular step, Lydie Staron, Anais Abramian, Pierre-Yves Lagrée
201521 PDF VIDEO Mobilisation of friction in unstationary flows down a model topography, Baptiste Blachier, Lydie Staron
201520 PDF VIDEO Granular flow through vertical slots: analysis of a general formula, A. Medina, D. A. Serrano, A. López-Villa, M. Pliego
201519 PDF VIDEO Grid-algorithm improvements for dense suspensions of discrete element particles in finite element fluid simulations, Jan Mueller, Akira Kyotani, Hans-Georg Matuttis
201518 PDF VIDEO PyBONDEM-GPU: a discrete element bonded particle Python research framework – Development and examples, Sven Dressler, Daniel N. Wilke
201516 PDF VIDEO Drag of a cylindrical object in a two-dimensional granular environment, Takumi Kubota, Haruto Ishikawa, Satoshi Takada
201515 PDF VIDEO Evidence of a non-local φ(I) response, James Robinson, Daniel Holland, Luke Fullard
201514 PDF VIDEO Discrete modeling of waste rock dumps stability under seismic loading, Juan Carlos Quezada, Gabriel Eduardo Villavicencio
201513 PDF VIDEO Contact Dynamics modeling of viscoelastic granular materials using irregular polyhedral particles, Juan Carlos Quezada, Cyrille Chazallon
201512 PDF VIDEO Numerical simulations of cone penetration in cemented sandstone, Aigerim Rakhimzhanova, Colin Thornton, Yerlan Amanbek, Yong Zhao
201511 PDF VIDEO An investigation of collisions of liquid coated particles, Megan Danczyk, Luke Fullard, Daniel Holland
201491 PDF VIDEO Rattlers’ involvement for possibly looser critical states under higher mean stress, Sacha Duverger, Jérôme Duriez, Pierre Philippe, Stéphane Bonelli
201438 PDF VIDEO Mechanisms of size segregation in granular flows with different ambient fluids, Kahlil Fredrick Cui, Gordon G. D. Zhou, Lu Jing
201436 PDF VIDEO DEM simulations of quasi-two-dimensional flow of spherical particles on a heap without sidewalls, Neiladri Sekhar Ray, Devang V. Khakhar
201435 PDF VIDEO Experimental study of particle shape dependence of avalanches inside a rotating drum, Jian Chen, Dominik Krengel, Hans-Georg Matuttis
201434 PDF VIDEO Effect of the coefficient of restitution and friction in the granular Leidenfrost effect in the absence of gravity. A numerical study, Daniel Schiochet Nasato, Heiko Briesen
201433 PDF VIDEO Energy dissipation of a particle colliding on a flat surface, Fabricio Éric Fernández, Marcelo Fabián Piva, Román Gustavo Martino, María Alejandra Aguirre
201432 PDF VIDEO Extending the Shields criterion to erosion of weakly cemented granular soils, Pierre Philippe, Zeyd Benseghier, Florian Brunier-Coulin, Li-Hua Luu, Pablo Cuéllar, Stéphane Bonelli
201430 PDF VIDEO Shear-induced diffusion: the role of granular clusters, Matthew Macaulay, Pierre Rognon
201429 PDF VIDEO Exploring the micromechanical behaviour of sand-rubber mixtures using X-ray micro-tomography, Zhuang Cheng, Jianfeng Wang, Wei Li
201405 PDF VIDEO The effect of liquid viscosity on sliding friction coefficient of wet granular materials, Mojgan Aliasgari Nahid Maleki-Jirsaraei Shahin Rouhani
201404 PDF VIDEO Evolution of the coefficient of lateral earth pressure at rest with interparticle friction: a numerical study, Hoang C. Nguyen
201403 PDF VIDEO On the broad tails in breaking time distributions of vibrated clogging arches, Angel Garcimartín, Bruno V. Guerrero, Alexandre Nicolas, Rodrigo C. Barbosa da Silva, Iker Zuriguel
201402 PDF VIDEO The effect of rotation speed and mixer size on granular flow and mixing in bladed mixers, Angga Herman, Jieqing Gan, Aibing Yu
201142 PDF VIDEO Homogeneous cooling and heating states of dilute soft-core gases under nonlinear drag, Satoshi Takada
201141 PDF VIDEO Rheology of two-dimensional crushable granular materials, Haruto Ishikawa, Satoshi Takada, Yuji Matsumoto
201140 PDF VIDEO A micro-mechanical compaction model for granular mix of soft and rigid particles, Manuel Cárdenas-Barrantes, David Cantor, Jonathan Barés, Mathieu Renouf, Emilien Azéma
201139 PDF VIDEO A modified calculation of particle buoyant forces in vibro-fluidized beds, Zhixiong Zhang, Xihua Chu, Yanran Wang